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歡迎親臨旺角店購買:旺角弼街20號12樓B | RealDeal 保健品 | WhatsApp 9560 0709

門市付款方式: 八達通,支付寶,PayMe,微信,EPS

網站購買滿$500,免運費送貨 | Free Delivery on HK $500 Online Order

歡迎親臨旺角店購買:旺角弼街20號12樓B | RealDeal 保健品 | WhatsApp 9560 0709

門市付款方式: 八達通,支付寶,PayMe,微信,EPS

網站購買滿$500,免運費送貨 | Free Delivery on HK $500 Online Order

歡迎親臨旺角店購買:旺角弼街20號12樓B | RealDeal 保健品 | WhatsApp 9560 0709

Getting to RealDeal from Prince Edward MTR (Exit B2)

1. From Prince Edward MTR Exit B2, go straight ahead

2. Wallk across the road and go straight ahead
3. Wallk across the road and go straight ahead passing through Pioneer Centre

4. Turn right when you see The Church of Christ in China

6. Get into the subway (next to Pioneer Centre) by lift or stairs

7. Go straight when you get out from the subway
7. Go straight ahead
8. Walk across the road and then go straight

9. Just few steps, Fuk Chiu Building is on your left hand side, press 12/F